How do I store my lotions bars?

Lotion bars can be stored in the shower (away from direct stream) or on a countertop or side table in a tin or soap dish.

When is the best time to use my solid lotion bar?

It is best to use your lotion bar within 5 minutes after a bath or shower.  Rub onto damp skin to lock in moisture.  Can also be used on dry skin or anytime your skin feels tight, dry or itchy.

Can I travel with my lotion bar?

Of course you can.  Lotion bars can be purchased in a travel tin.

How can I prevent my bar from melting during the summer months?

Bars will remain solid at room temperature.   However, they can be stored in the refrigerator if your bar feels too "soft" or if the temperature exceeds room temperature.  **Never leave in vehicle**

Help, my bar melted?

Should your bar melt, place contents in a plastic bag and place in the refrigerator.  Wait 30 minutes, then remove from plastic once bar has re-solidified.

The magnesium spray causes my skin it itch after use. Is this normal?

This is completely normal and will resolve within a few minutes.  Should any discomfort remain after 30 minutes, wash area and discontinue use.  ***Do not use on mucus membranes (moist pink skin) or open areas on skin.***