With every purchase made there is a happy dance and excitement as we package your order!
Each order is looked over with care to ensure we only send you quality products made with love.

So Who am i?
I'm an amazing mom to daughters with some pretty narley, dry, sensitive, itchy skin. I am also a Doctor of Pharmacy. I grew tired of using western medicine (yep, the same medicine that pays my bills) like steroids, antihistamines, etc. because they only seemed to work for a while AND they ALL have side effects. I went on a mission to find a natural alternative to calm and nourish their skin. After experimenting with various butters and oils based on their ability to heal the skin, I found something that worked. Seriously.....it really worked. In my laboratory (aka my kitchen) Ava & Anya Boutique was born. My goal is to provide other children and adults alike with the opportunity to have itch free, healthy, moisturized skin with organic and natural skin loving ingredients.
♡ Dr. Alesha (Ava & Anya's Mom)